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User:Lajter David Zsolt Facebook Likes: 21


Walk for raising awareness
It is about road safet, and to show youngsters the very severe consequences of road accidents.
The programme would be a 30-min long walk from our university to the Youth House with some black ballons filled with helium, which we will release when we reach our destination.
To the Youth House we could invite some singers, bands where they give a little concert. We could invite some professional, who can talk to teenagers and even to the adults.
Indicative budget:5000€ -> total 3000€ -> professionals, singers, bands 1000€ -> equipments 500€ -> advertising 500€ -> food
Indicative timeframe:01/27/2017 - 01/27/2017
Expected results:For the young people to be more socially sensible to safe driving.