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User:Ezequiel De Bella Facebook Likes: 22


Unique wardrobe
This project aims at two important issues: The huge quantity of clothing that is discarded by people and contributes to pollute our planet. By the other hand, there are a lot of young people out of job that can learn working skills as sewers, mending the clothes adding style and uniqueness to each piece of cloth. These will be sold in an online marketplace focused on trendy and fashionable youngsters that enjoys having unique pieces of clothing
Indicative budget:6000 EUR: 2000EUR to build 5 big clothing bins; 1000EUR to develop a marketplace webpage; 500EUR for spreading in social media; 500EUR for leaflets; 2000EUR to buy 10 sewers machines
Indicative timeframe:November 2017 - November 2018
Expected results:10 youngsters trained and working as sewers; 200 people donating clothes; 100 people buying clothes online on the webpage