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User:Ezequiel De Bella Facebook Likes: 136


Inclusive football
Football is the most popular sport in the world. In the poorest neighborhoods of Argentina, there are pitches where young people plays and uses it as an escape from their social reality. The idea is that this young people fix a pitch, organise male and female tournaments (teams of 5 players) charging an subscription fee, and all earnings are intended to sustain the entrepreneurship, buying soccer balls and other usefull material. Starting from this point, this people will offer football classes to vulnerable children, using sport as a social inclussing tool. A part of the earnings will go to the teacher´s wages and the rest for the materials mentioned before. This project will be applied in different vulnerable neighborhoods. To promote the program we plan on asking proffesional football players to be ambassadors of the program campaigning in social media, TV and radio.
Indicative budget:2700EUR: 200EUR in paint for the pitch; 500EUR in social media; 500EUR in brochures and posters; 100EUR in two goals; 50EUR in two nets for the goals; 300EUR in five soccer balls; 50EUR in 100 cones; 1000EUR in 48 football jerseys for the teams (6 packs of 8)
Indicative timeframe:One year – 10.2017 – 10.2018
Expected results:Our pLan involves an initial group of four young people who will organise the tournaments and be the teachers for the vulnerable children. We expect to have at least 80 people participating in the tournaments and 120 vulnerable children assisting at soccer school.