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User:Borislav Vankov Facebook Likes: 108


Influencing risky driving through a smartphone app
Smartphones and social media are not likely to disappear from the young drivers' social environment. There is an advantage in those technologies as "they use the same language" as their users. Insurance businesses (e.g. State Farm in the US, Telefonica in Spain, AVIVA in UK, AAMI in Australia) started to embrace the opportunity of influencing driving behaviour through proprietary smartphone-based safe-driving apps by promoting safer driving practices. We can choose a free safe-driving app and promote its adoption among young people as a low-cost intervention to reduce risky behaviour behind the wheel.
Indicative budget:2100 EUR: 600 EUR for leaflets, 600 EUR for giveaways, 400 EUR for social media campaign and 500 EUR for traditional media campaign in support of the implementation.
Indicative timeframe:01/01/2018 – 01/04/2018
Expected results:The target is to reach 100 young people directly out of whom 50 with less opportunities and improve their driving behaviour.